Little Boy Man
by Lenora Rain-Lee Good
You wear a pair of camos, size small,
still too big for your slight frame
Educating Innocence
by Gordon Kippola
I feel the time has come for us to chat, Willy;
if you concur, keep barking.
Gratitude of a Nation
by Gordon Kippola
It’s rarely wrong to be polite, so, sure: a nod
a smile-stained-sad, and my thank you in return
Dream Catcher
by Kari Martindale
I want you to dream. Dream big!
But don’t let your Girl Scout troop leader
write Keep on dreaming!
Breaking Our Fast with Salt
by Idman Omar
Past hungry, lips white,
breath like death.
Bro hugged me like decades had passed.
Crush & Feel
by Jonathan Pessant
There’s a technique in loving someone you know
you’ll be divorced from some day
After Watching Footage of the War
by Meghan Sterling
The car was suddenly upside down and backwards,
all wheels and undercarriage rust and a young man
in tears on the sidewalk.
Somewhere There is a War
by Meghan Sterling
But not in New York. I come to New York in dreams
sometimes, the Empire State Building a monolith of steel