
Kate Meyer-Currey

Her sniper gaze
Locks and loads
Point blank
In the guts
In the heart
Her last bullet
Bears her 
Lost soldier’s 
Name, aimed 
At her head
With her 
Finger gun,
Even if
She gets out
Of this 
Locked bunker
He’s never 
Coming home:
Bang she’s dead 
Every day 
Of her life. 

Author Photo, Kate MeyerCurrey.jpg

Kate Meyer-Currey was born in 1969 and moved to Devon in 1973. A varied career in frontline settings has fueled her interest in gritty urbanism, contrasted with a rural upbringing. Her ADHD also instills a sense of ‘other’ in her life and writing. Dancing Girl Press will release her book County Lines in 2021. “Trigger” is based on her personal experience working in secure forensic settings.




When We Begin to Think of Home