Country Dark

D.A. Gray

Outside the city limit signs the trees
bring night before the sun sets,
sky hiding in a silhouette of cedar, oak
in the thin lines between them
souls of the departed. A soldier
I once knew who wouldn’t say
he had nothing waiting for him back home,
in the days before shooting himself.
An old girlfriend who thought she
could make a left turn in front
of the speeding pickup truck, just before
the phone call dropped. My grandmother
who desperately wanted to tell me
a story I was too busy to hear.
A boy amid fragments trying to breathe.
An Iraqi father whose rake looked much like
the barrel of a rifle to a nervous kid.
Seven o’clock contains a howl;
it’s the dark we see just past
another person’s head. Sometimes
it says nothing; sometimes it whispers.

D.A. Gray is the author of Contested Terrain (2017) and Overwatch (2011). His poems have appeared in The Sewanee Review, Grey Sparrow Journal, The Ekphrastic Review, Comstock Review, Still: The Journal, and Wrath-Bearing Tree, among others. He holds Masters Degrees from The Sewanee School of Letters and Texas A&M-Central Texas. A veteran, Gray now teaches, writes, and lives in Central Texas. Of his two poems in Collateral, he writes, “The residue, even a decade after returning home, is that of having a foot in each world—one in the present and one far in the past. An existence punctuated with silent moments. ‘Country Dark’ and ‘Twelve Years Ago I Leave You Stay’ come out of that residue.”


To Avulse:


Twelve Years Ago I Leave You Stay