Thaer Husien

Even This

Sun’s stuck at dusk.
What are words when we screamed
for greater resistance eleven months ago?
Why become anything that’s not that?
Even this?

“What are words without action, what is theory sans praxis? Kill your bourgeois dreams.” —Thaer Husien

Thaer Husien is a Palestinian educator living on Turtle Island. He is a co-founder of The Posterity Alliance, a Returned Peace Corps Volunteer, a Fulbright scholar, and holds an MFA in Creative Writing from American University. Short stories can be read in The Written ResistanceRusted RadishesLitro Magazine, Sonora ReviewMontreal Serai, and Emrys Journal with selected work in Poetry Wales. His debut novel, Beside the Sickle Moon, is near future literary activism based on Israel’s occupation of Palestine (Daraja Press, September 2024). 


Sadia Ali Heil


Kathryn Jordan